Gao Rong


Nanjing Medical University

Professor of  Department of  Hygienic Analysis and Detection

高蓉, 博士教授

Rong Gao , PhD  

Research Interest

Environmental Pollution and Human Health 


Yanan University, Industrial Analysis, B.S. (1991.9-1995.7)

Northwest Agriculture University, Entomology, M.S. (1995.9-1998.7)

Nanjing Forest University, Forest conservation, Ph.D. (1998.9-2001.7)

Michgan State University, Visiting Scholar (2010.2-2011.8) 

Ongoing Ressarch projects

 PI, Synergistic effect of Bisphenol F on depression-like changes in adolescents based on the targeted analysis of microbial-gut-brain axis tryptophan metabolic pathway, Key Project of Jiangsu commission of health, ZD2021054

PI, The role and mechanism of abnormal lipophagy in Steatosis changes induced by BPF exposure, The Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China, 21KJA330002 

Selected Papers

1. Wang J, Yu J, Gong Y, Wu L, Yu Z, Wang J, Gao R, Liu W. Pollution characteristics, sources and health risk of metals in urban dust from different functional areas in Nanjing, China. Environmental Research, 2021 Oct; 201:111607

2. Wang J, Yu P, Xie X, Wu L, Zhou M, Huan F, Jiang L, Gao R, Bisphenol F induces nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-like changes: Involvement of lysosome disorder in lipid droplet deposition. Environmental Pollution, 2021, Feb, 271, 116304

3. Deng Y , Zhou M, Wang J , Yao J , Yu J , Liu W, Wu L, Wang J, Gao R. Involvement of the microbiota-gut-brain axis in chronic restraint stress: disturbances of the kynurenine metabolic pathway in both the gut and brainGut Microbes, 2021Jan-Dec;13(1):1-16


